Set against the aftermath of World War I, this epic German horror film tells the story of a young doctor and his aging professor as they are sent on a mission to examine a plague infestation in the German town of Flensburg. In order to reach their destination, they must cross through the land of phantoms; a place often heard of in children’s bedtime tales and in haunted legends. What they will uncover in this mysterious place is taken directly from the darkest imaginings of the human mind. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 8.5/10 | |
Released: | May 14, 2008 | |
Runtime: | 19 min | |
Genres: | Drama Horror Short | |
Cast: | Michael Evans Kevin Osborne Douglas Jantzen Jr. Sarah Osborne | |
Crew: | Kevin Osborne Matthew Charles Hall | |
YouLetMeWorryAboutBlank : Have to wait until Its Always Sunny S17. Its going to show everything that happened from t...