Set in World War II, and tells the story of the first and only meeting between a farmer from the province of Romagna and two rival military forces, German and American. From this encounter, the adventure then unfolds centered around the attempt on the part of young Balduccio to create peace between the adversaries whilst trying to save his own life in the process. The courage and sincerity of the youth bring about ironic and paradoxical situations that analyze the tragic world of war from an innovative and profound point of view. Scenes of attempts at escape, exchanges of food, and a crucial fatal meeting with a young woman follow. After all this, we discover that it is actually a story which is being told by an old farmer. He is intent on recounting his usual anecdote to his grandson who, enchanted by his grandfather’s simple words, listens to the story of this “first and last day of war”. The child, although, has no way of knowing that his grandfather’s words are hiding a painful truth. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.0/10 | |
Released: | February 1, 2009 | |
Runtime: | 20 min | |
Genres: | Action Drama Short | |
Cast: | Ivano Marescotti Anna Baldini Luigi Bettoli Matteo Fiori | |
Crew: | Marco Tondini Matteo Tondini | |
magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. The book's ending was completely different; it was ambiguous with the hope of help still ...