In a modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale, Thumbelina (1994), Barbie recounts the exciting story of the tiny forest-sprite and her new best friend: the Twillerbee, Thumbelina. Living in total harmony with nature, the minuscule race of charismatic creatures has the extraordinary power to make plants and flowers grow; however, Thumbelina will see her world turn upside down when the spoiled girl, Makena, uproots her favourite spot of wild-flowers, on a whim. Now, a big construction company threatens to destroy the enchanted land of the harmless Twillerbees. Can the teeny-tiny Thumbelina save her beloved home?
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BobbyBBB : OMG! This has to be THE BEST horror movie of all times! . . . . said no one ever! Well, I ...