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Three separate tales of human need in three separate locales around the world are presented. In Amsterdam, a lonely young sailor just arrived in the city aboard a ship meets a shy teenager named Annika. Despite her initial hesitancy, she does end up spending the day with him showing him around the city. But societal views and circumstances will probably lead to them never seeing each other again despite he having no improper motive and she feeling the emotional bond of what might be first love. In Montréal, an elderly man just arrived in the city is looking for his grown son, who he and his wife have not heard from in a few months. A stranger from who he asks directions to the son’s last known address ends up driving the man to that locale. The stranger, in a further act of kindness, takes it upon himself to find out as much information as he can about the son based on that location. He has to decide how best to tell the man what is not the best news. In Mexico City, Madrigal, an iron worker, is celebrating his thirtieth birthday. As his mother and his elder siblings have done, Luis, Madrigal’s eight year old son, wants to do something meaningful for his father’s birthday, but only has a limited amount of money. Luis goes on a quest to achieve his end goal to make his father happy. Luis takes the less guaranteed but proper route in achieving his goal, which may or may not pay off.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: January 1, 1957
Runtime: 27 min
Genres: Short
Crew: Gordon Burwash Léonard Forest Don Haldane

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