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Our heroine, Elsie, is observed in the drawing room of her home conversing with her sweetheart, Jack. He kisses her good-bye and leaves as her father enters the room, looking the picture of despair. He has lost his fortune and tells her they must leave the old home and begin life anew. Jack is a rising young lawyer and to him Elsie writes a note telling of the changed conditions and not wishing to handicap him in his aspirations, releases him from their engagement. The young girl sets about to find a position and in an employment office is engaged by an upstart society woman, whose companion is a pet monkey. Elsie takes to her new surroundings gracefully and in her new home we see her dressing her mistress’ hair while the lady plays with her pet. The work finished, the lady goes out, leaving the monkey on the bed. Elsie puts the room to rights and then goes out herself. Outside the house a carriage draws up to the curb, the lady of the house and Elsie enter and drive away. Shortly afterward Elsie returns to the house alone. During this time, a staff of moving picture people appears on the street, sets up a camera and proceeds to take a picture. The mistress of the house returns, goes to her room and misses her jewel case. Elsie is asked about it, is accused of the theft, arrested and taken away by the police. From her cell the unfortunate girl sends a message to Jack asking him to visit her. The note is delivered to the young lawyer’s office and he immediately starts for the prison, sees Elsie, endeavors to cheer her up and assures her of every effort to secure her freedom. In passing the studio of a moving picture plant, Jack meets a friend who is just going in. Jack is invited to accompany him. They pass inside and are conversing with the manager when an operator rushes in and excitedly shows a film. The day of Elsie’s trial arrives and she is in the prisoners’ dock, the society woman in the witness stand, being questioned by Jack. She is excused, and the moving picture operator is called. After being questioned, a screen is put up in the court room and the film shown, The picture on the sheet shows the woman’s residence, the dresser in plain view. The monkey jumps upon it, grabs the jewels and disappears. Elsie is fully vindicated and released, leaves the court room with her sweetheart, whom she afterwards marries.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: September 5, 1908
Genres: Drama Short
Crew: Van Dyke Brooke

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