This Action/Drama story evolves around three main characters: a professional thief, a young ambitious cop and a lonely mother. The young cop has a distant relationship with his mother and he cares for nothing except for recognitions, competitions and promotions. Their story intertwines with a thief who has a niece with Multiple Sclerosis. In order to provide for his niece, the thief decides to steal from a big house where he gets into a confrontation with the young cop and the mom. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2012 | |
Runtime: | 10 min | |
Genres: | Action Crime Short | |
Cast: | Felix Perez Jr. Cheryl Rusa Cordero Roman | |
Crew: | Arden Tse | |
deadwalker : I bet ya love it!