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In Rio de Janeiro, the friends Fernando, Honório and Afonso “Fonsinho” meet every night at the Bar Hamonia to drink served by the waiter Jorge and talk about women. Fernando works in an advertisement agency and has just separated from his wife Vitória but he still hopes that she returns to him. Honório is the oldest of the trio and is married with two children with Leila but they are estranged to each other. The single Fonsinho is an untalented aspirant writer addicted in call girls and married women. When Fernando meets his seventeen year-old neighbor Gabi, the teenager has a crush on him but he is afraid to have sex with the underage “Lolita”. Honório believes that he is a cuckold and decides to follow Leila that goes out every night to meet her friends. Fonsinho is a regular client of Alana and falls in love with the call girl. In the end, the best solution is to make love, and not war with women.

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Ratings: IMDB: 5.8/10
Released: June 20, 2012
Runtime: 104 min
Genres: Comedy
Companies: Paris Filmes Casé Filmes Globo Filmes
Cast: Dira Paes Marcos Palmeira Bruno Mazzeo Emílio Orciollo Netto
Crew: Marcelo Rubens Paiva Lusa Silvestre Felipe Joffily

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