After shooting Veer Raj at Visakhapatnam, Vamsi M. Rao takes a train to flee from the manhunt launched by the police. At the railway station he meets with his sweetheart, Kannak Lakshmi/Bharati, and both travel together to Secundrabad and live in a hotel room. While reminiscing about his recent past, as well as his parents and two brothers, Vamsi will soon be compelled to go on the run again after he will be blamed for assassinating MLA Raghav. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.8/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2009 | |
Genres: | Action Drama Crime | |
Cast: | Bhavana Ashish Vidyarthi Sayaji Shinde Tottempudi Gopichand | |
Crew: | V.V. Ramana | |
Rasnac : I saw this movie on tv just once 25+ years ago, and I still remember it well ; which must ...