In the year 2244, alien scientists attempt to save the Japanese American (JA) Human species from extinction by breeding a frozen 20th-century Sansei (3rd generation JA) Beauty Queen from Gardena, CA, with the sole-surviving Kusei (9th generation JA) male brought back from exile on the planet Topanzanar. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | July 12, 1986 | |
Runtime: | 13 min | |
Genres: | Short Sci-Fi | |
Cast: | Chris Tashima François Chau Skye Nakamura | |
Crew: | Ronaldo Oliveira Karen Mayeda Vranek Karen Tei Yamashita | |
Tomasthedog : ok so far it's actually pretty entertaining ngl