Rob has left Leone to move in with Jackie and does not attend Elsie’s funeral with the others. Grace is keen to scatter her mother’s ashes on her beloved Yorkshire moors and Leone and Cath persuade Dave that they should accompany the couple and help them celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary. Rob also invites himself along - as, to his embarrassment - does Jackie whilst Dave agrees to deliver a family birthday present in Leeds on Marcus’s behalf. When Dave prangs the van in the country the women hitch a lift with a charming Canadian with whom Grace attempts to match-make Leone when they reach their hotel, annoying Rob. The men arrive by hire car but Maurice, in addition to having accidentally smoked cannabis thanks to Rob, has also lost most of the ashes and replaced them with gravel. Despite everything the scattering goes ahead, Rob exposes Marcus as being less than scrupulous and a marriage is saved.
ninjaduncan26 : i enjoyed this as a tpb fan! wish jricky and julian were in it more tbh but bubbles and ra...