Flash Flood, an animated documentary, brings three transgender voices to light while they share their intimate relationships with their identities. Parallel to this, in a dreamlike universe, three people find themselves marooned separately during a cataclysmic flood event. As the three subjects struggle to find each other, memories and thoughts well up from deep within their bodies. Stories of growth, transition, and self-discovery punctuate these moments. The film is animated by volunteer transgender artists and animators from across the globe. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.2/10 | |
Released: | November 11, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 6 min | |
Genres: | Animation Short | |
Countries: | Canada | |
Companies: | FF Productions | |
Cast: | Helen Poon Jessie Anderson Alli Mackay | |
Crew: | Alli Mackay | |
yellow_rose1 : I love everything about Adele. Including her sweet baby boy Angelo. She has earned her pla...