This new half-hour documentary by Larry Reed and Leslie Dreyer delves into the true stories behind ShadowLight Productions’ 2009 shadow play, Ghosts of the River, written by Octavio Solis, directed by Larry Reed, with art direction by Favianna Rodriguez and original music by Duo Cascada de Flores. The play humanized contentious subjects surrounding immigration and the U.S.-Mexico border and illuminated stories of those who have crossed the Rio Grande throughout time. Going behind the scenes and beyond, the film reveals Solis’ experience growing up on the border and some cast members’ first accounts crossing it. Through the poetic lens of Reed’s collaborative, ‘live animated’ shadow medium, Ghosts breaks through stereotypes and breaks down the invisible walls some use to treat migrants as ‘other’. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2013 | |
Runtime: | 34 min | |
Genres: | Documentary Drama Short | |
Crew: | Leslie Dreyer Larry Reed | |
cherrydavis88 : Wow! This is IMPECCABLE acting on the part of Mr. Flanery! I really enjoyed this movie an...