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When a YouTube video is uploaded showing 16 year old, Susan Paige, being shot dead by her closest friend, James Spencer, most claim it is a fake. But when Susan goes missing the same night the video is released, James is the prime suspect. ‘Split Thread’ is an interactive short film following the events of Susan’s disappearance which allows the user to choose the outcome of the story from the perspective of three different characters: Susan, James and Jill. ‘Susan’s Story’ begins the night of Susan’s disappearance. Entirely shot in a point of view style, this chapter of the ‘Split Thread’ story puts the user in Susan’s shoes, showing the truth behind what happened to her as she struggles for survival. ‘James’ Story’ takes place the night following Susan’s disappearance as James pleads his innocence. Distraught from constant accusations and without his closest friend to talk to, James battles his inner demons alone as he encounters visions of Susan herself and tries to come to terms with what has happened. ‘Jill’s Story’ takes place a couple of nights after Susan’s disappearance. Jill, a young woman with a tragic past is bombarded with harassing phone calls from the mysterious Andrew, a man infuriated by Jill’s constant refusal to speak to him. As Jill pursues Andrew to end their conflict once and for all, we discover the truth behind Jill’s past and the connection it has with Susan’s disappearance.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: June 1, 2010
Runtime: 73 min
Cast: Donna Patrice Raymond S. Kinsella Shane Kennedy Amy Hibbits
Crew: Aidan Gibson Dave Thorpe

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