This poignant (and haunting) drama delves into the lives of Raymond and Jacqueline (played by real life couple Ned and Mary Cordery) as they enter their golden years. Following a reunion with their loving son (Ctormy Thomas), these soul mates realize that they can no longer take care of themselves, so they decide to pack their bags and move to an area where they might be cared for. As visions of their spirited youth collide with the reality of their present, ‘Over the Hill’ weaves together a heartfelt tale of unconditional love and living life on your own terms. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | December 1, 2012 | |
Runtime: | 10 min | |
Genres: | Drama Short | |
Cast: | Connor Fay Dayne Fay Mary Cordery Ned Cordery | |
Crew: | Shaun Labrecque | |
grasshopper rex : why do you think they keep removing your comments?