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MORTAL is a fantasy adventure origin story about a young man, Eric, who discovers he has God-like powers based on ancient Norwegian mythology. While hiding in the wilderness of western Norway, Eric accidentally kills a teenager in an inexplicable way and is subsequently arrested. Before being interrogated, he meets Christine, a young psychologist trying to figure out what really happened. She believes Eric and feels sympathy with him. Soon the American embassy shows up wanting Eric extradited, but he manages to flee with Christine. On the run, with both Norwegian and American authorities after him, Eric finally discovers who, or what, he really is.

  • Currently 4.0/5
(41 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.0/10
Released: November 6, 2020
Runtime: 104 min
Genres: Action Adventure Drama
Countries: Norway United States United Kingdom
Companies: 42 Automatik Entertainment Eldorado Film Eldorado Films Stardust Effects Nordisk Film Zefyr Media Fund
Cast: Nat Wolff Priyanka Bose Iben Akerlie
Crew: Norman Lesperance André Øvredal Geoff Bussetil

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Version 1 922.5 MB mixdrop.ag 61 views Report Link
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Version 2 888.4 MB dood.watch 80 views Report Link
  • Currently 3.4202586206896557/5
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bobntahoe 6 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Wow, what a surprise. Just about to start reading the Edda. Thank you for the upload. Worth a watch if you like Viking/Norwegian Scandinavian Mythology/History.

Steve15032 3 points 3 years ago.

Enjoyed this movie. A new take on “Thor” that is quite the opposite of Marvel. Was a bit slow but still a good watch. Read online the director is planning a sequel, and that there are 3 books. I’m here for it.

fessologue 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Me too. Thank you! Was just wondering after watching.

Yellowbeard 2 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

That was a good little movie from André Øvredal, the director of Trollhunter which I enjoyed very much too. Somebody oughta give him a heap of money to make a movie, but maybe Hollywood whizz-bang would spoil his style. He has a fine understated way with the folklore of Scandinavia. I am going to seek out his other works now - pass me my brogues I am on a quest… Recommended - 5/5.


Tatiana155 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Really a great surprise!!!

LVPVS 2 points 4 years ago.

Any subtitiles available?

etim 5 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

yes. do you know how to use the subs here yet?

On second thought, I guess if you need to ask if there are any, then you don’t know. Here’s how to get and use subs on PW—

Go to the show you want, then
Click ‘version’, then click ‘subtitles’, choose a sub, click ‘retrieve’, then click ‘download’.
Download to your PC.
Now, with a player that has a ‘cc’ button, click the cc button, pick and click ‘upload…’. Pick the sub file you just downloaded (the file name ends in .srt)
You’re ready to go.

LVPVS 3 points 4 years ago*.

Thank you. Much appreciated.
Though when I open version, do you mean to click on “subtitles” under the bottom left corner? Coz when I do, it says “failed to find subs”
Am I being dense?

magically_delicious 3 points 4 years ago*.

Etim means the embedded version (AKA: “Version 1”, etc., not the “Direct” link) will have the sub choices. However, for this film, the “Direct” link upload does have HC English subs, so you don’t necessarily need to use the embedded version. In the future, when it’s not HC English subs on the upload, there are probably sub choices on the embedded version(s). Best of luck. I hope it’s good film! :)

etim 1 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

Well, maybe. Something’s wrong on your end, anyway.
When I click any of the ‘subtitles’ I get 5 different choices of subs.
If you’re dl’ing something else, that may be sucking up all your bandwidth.
Or your adblocker might be interfering.Use ‘ublock origin’ and only that.

LVPVS 1 points 4 years ago.

Thank you, Etim

PonderThis 3 points 4 years ago.

Thank you etim! Finally someone has explained how to get English subtitles in very simple terms that I actually understand! Now the question is, will I remember the next time I need to add subtitles? We need some smiley face emoji’s to add to our comments. Thank you again!

etim 3 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

Glad I could help. After reading some other’s versions of “help” on PW, I thought a simpler guide might be of use. Easy fix: I’ll PM you a copy you can refer to next time.

PonderThis 1 points 4 years ago.

This might sound like a silly question, but is there a way to make the subtitles larger? I don’t have a flat screen television, I watch everything on my computer monitor. It isn’t a large monitor but big enough, yet I have trouble seeing the subtitles when I’m watching something 4-5 feet away from my monitor. Thanks and if you have suggestions, that would be great.

Japato 1 points 4 years ago.

Mixdrop allows viewer to change subtitle size … just use direct link and click the CC icon bottom right. Note this works only for external subs. You can’t change HC (hardcoded subtitles).

etim 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

You’re streaming, right? Some hosts, like mixdrop (which I hate, unfortunately), give you the ability to enlarge the subs. I dunno about other hosts cause I seldom ever use their online players.

PonderThis 1 points 4 years ago.

No, not live streaming and I use mixdrop when I have trouble with streamplay. I was/am trying to watch a French crime drama and I’ll see if I can enlarge the subtitles on mixdrop. Thanks again for your much appreciated help. Have a good weekend.

etim 2 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

Do you watch vids using a player in a browser tab? That’s streaming.
If you download it (save the vid on your PC) and watch it after you dl it, (using VLC or some other player) then you’re downloading.
“Live streaming” just means that you’re watching (streaming) a live event and not a pre-recorded show.

PonderThis 1 points 4 years ago.

I saw your message and I did a paste and cut of what you wrote here. I have it saved in word perfect for future use. I’m somewhat computer stupid, but I can surf with the best of them! I get frustrated sometimes when people post instruction and I have NO frig’n clue what they’re talking about! Thank you again for simple and easy directions. YOU THE BEST!

BruceLeeFan88 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

This was damn good! And it left itself open for a sequel! I would watch this again!

heatherzz 1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Bad acting, half English half Norwegian, no subtitles, slowwwwww, the scenery was the only good thing about it. This is just my opinion, try watching it yourself to get your own. Cheers.

etim 1 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

I would but mixdrop sucks for me. I was hoping for (and requested) some decent links.
BTW—there ARE subs for it, just not hard coded ones, I guess.
Thx for your warning. I’ll keep my forward skip button handy—if I get a decent link to watch.

Luvlinguae 1 points 4 years ago.

Couldn’t they find one single Norwegian-American actor to fill this role…I mean someone believable? And an Indian actress as a State Department employee…instead of someone without even an American accent? Time to stop ruining movies with characters that don’t fit the roles. It distracts from the story.

Solusandra 1 points 4 years ago.

Personally, I barely even noticed that. I was more concerned with the shoddy directing. I mean, seriously, every single last step the government made made things worse. I know the govt is generally incompetent, but this bad? They’d never hold together!

etim 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Pretty cool flick, glad I finally got around to watching. Had a more or less standard pacing considering it was Scandinavian made. 7/10 for me.

PonderThis 1 points 4 years ago*.

This movie is by no means like the 1984 Drew Barrymore movie Firestarter but it jogged my memory. Drew was still a young kid when she made that movie and now I’m trying to decide if I want to watch it again. So far, this movie isn’t bad and I put it on pause for a bit and will finish it and do a another posting. Well, that was a different take on the legend of Thor! Sequel, sequel? Anyone?

etim 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Why not? What’s wrong with it?