Raas Revolution is a short documentary that follows Bataaka Nu Shak, an Indian dance team at UCLA, as they gear up for their competition season. Raas is a high energy dance form that originates from Gujarat, India. Watch how these team members prepare to compete as they juggle dance, school life and parental pressures. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2011 | |
Runtime: | 21 min | |
Genres: | Documentary Short Biography | |
Cast: | Kaiwan Chear Rapir Dedhia Rujuta Gandhi Sehra Kaushal | |
Crew: | Heather Hutt Bindiya Patel | |
Dayv : Man Nick Frost is pumping out the movies this must be his third in a month , Kinda wish th...