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Our ancestors the Gauls English synopsis Be aware of the role of the mothers of immigration in the blossoming of a multiracial France is one of the main focus of the film “Our ancestors the Gauls”. These anonymous heroines tell their stories and speak of their place in society, and their responsibility in the integration of their children born in France. Step by step, the film follows the developments in the artistic project which has been stimulated by the film itself : a theater performance based on reality, written from the transcripts of meetings with the mothers and their witness statements. These “Actress Mothers” emerge from the shadows to tell their interlinked experiences. Funny and lively, they speak on a theater stage, in front of their dear ones, unknown spectators, the media and the wider public, about their vision of France, their routes to emancipation and their hopes for their children. Encouraging these mothers to talk about immigration has become an artistic project in full that the film tells - from their first steps on the stage, through doubts, trails and errors, nervousness, laughs - until the magic of the premiere.

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Ratings: IMDB: 6.4/10
Released: November 9, 2011
Runtime: 86 min
Genres: Documentary
Companies: Images Plus Les Veo2max Films Productions
Cast: Aurélie Ango Abore Marjon Barriere Van der Spoel Germaine Fouya Boukari Oumou Bourakkadi
Crew: Touria Benzari Christian Zerbib

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