burgermeister : Anyone else having trouble with the links? They all keep redirecting me to some spam site ...
magically_delicious : Fun-ish, not great. Jack is a shadow of his father. Nepotism anyone? Amber Midthunder,...
magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Not a fan of Eiza, since they usually type-cast her and she goes for it, but I adore ANYTH...
Twixtid : Im currently on season 8, you're in for a wild ride.
PZitsEZ : Yo man, just enjoy pirate heaven for free. The more inquisitive questions that get answer...
AyoQ : now that was funny,,,,
TacoDirtyToMe : This show is just so unrealistic. There's no way Americans would be convinced to vote for ...
Euringer : Contains spoilers. Click to show. That's Muse. In the comics he's a fan of superheroes who's sometimes just a relentless mur...
echobobbunn : I started to watch S3E1 because of one or 2 comments that the whole production had changed...
bigguy01 : the first rewatch of this show. season 1 to 3 are my favourite seasons of the 15.