Don't Look Up (2021)
nkx2x 3 points 3 years ago*.

i watched it weeks ago but i still think at least once a day: what a great movie! it’s missing the dystopian, apocalyptic catastrophic images of roland emmrich movies but it’s the same intense - maybe even desparate - warning about the consequences of current politics, greed and the fetish of “growth”, “profit”, the brainded fanatic believe in competition - that the biggest player will win, since charles darwin’s “survival of the fittest” has been published in england, first. a market is not based on a competition to become the biggest player, economy is just a tool to handle certain needs of a society not an universal principle. and as all good scifi movies it is also a very strong statement in times of covid-19. this is why we need art especially these days. and this movie is by any means exactly this: a great peace of contemporary art. and it’s kind of broadcasted. so you better take a watch and make the world a better place.