Dark City (1998)
JoeAgora 9 points 3 years ago.

Holy crap! Where the hell did Dark City come from? Where the hell has it been hiding? I don’t think I ever heard of it before last week when I stumbled upon a recommendation from the Critical Drinker. It’s the Matrix…a year before the Matrix…but SO MUCH BETTER! Better style. Better acting. Better script…and WAY better directing. I am blown away. So much for my 2 decades long belief that the Matrix was original. Nope. Dark City is the original. Don’t get me wrong…the Matrix was a very interesting and entertaining movie…but where the Matrix was shiny veneer…Dark City was the soul. For sure if I had seen Dark City before the Matrix, my impression of the Matrix would have been significantly more subdued. To coin a cliché…If you liked the Matrix…you will LOVE Dark City.

starphlo 3 points 3 years ago.

I’d never heard of this either and I thought I’d seen all things Keifer. Glad you posted this!