Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Manic9 3 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was so disappointing. I’m a huge Marvel fan so it wasn’t boring or anything, but I expected more. This is my personal opinion, so no offence to anybody. The changes they made with the characters like the Hulk was so bad. I mean it was weird to see that combination of Bruce and the Hulk together. I kept thinking aren’t we going to see Bruce ever again? Let’s not forget Thor who got really fat. I understand why they did these changes etc. but still it was so weird in a bad way. Also how they had a hard time fighting Thanos. In infinity war they almost got him even when he had the stones, but in this movie, Thanos without stones was stronger? This time the avengers had a large army plus captain marvel and still it was a hard fight, how is that possible? This whole army of superheroes, captain marvel who’s the strongest of them all, non of them could defeat Thanos, but Tony Stark steals the stones and has to die?? Which reminds me of the death of Natasha, an avenger before Tony even got recruited doesn’t get a funeral?? There are so many things wrong with this movie.. I still love Marvel movies and all of the superheroes, but this was really disappointing for me.