Don't Look Up (2021)
crane -3 points 3 years ago.

I can’t believe this movie was by Adam McKay. He is usually funny.
Heavy-handed preaching about climate change verrrrrrrrry thinly veiled as satire, and brought to you by a cast that owns a total of 47 private jets.

Moonbunny 3 points 3 years ago.

It is about climate change but its also heavily satirical about the public being swayed by the media and political climate they identify with. And since it doesn’t specifically address climate change, how exactly is it “heavy-handed preaching?” I find that very funny since your response on climate change is exactly what the very premise of this film is about. Something that is very apparent is being ignored and criticized by the public. People choose to rather criticize everything surrounding it and any kind of media regarding it, rather than take the actual matter seriously. I hope you can find the humour in that as well. Or you can choose to be ignorant about that too…