Don't Look Up (2021)
real_deviil 10 points 3 years ago.

My 2 cents and social commentary, as per the film:

It was a good movie, but not all films are meant to be enjoyable…I found it terrifying, and that was the intended effect…mission accomplished…

Cautionary tales should be unsettling, and not necessarily “enjoyable”…

It has more depth to it than just a comet destroying earth…peel back the layers, and it is a reflection of reality now…except the real-life comet is not a comet…it’s all the other scary @#$! going on…

The human race (and human history) is so chronically dysfunctional that it’s not that hard to believe something similar could occur…replace the comet with something equally terrifying, and who could say it’s “not” plausible…

Our opinions are not even relevant…the only thing that matters is that it’s entirely possible…

I think most people believe they are a lot smarter than they actually are…you can include me in that group, on more than one occasion…and it is our collective pride that will ultimately be the downfall of our species and our planet…

Even the smartest among us can choose to be willfully ignorant…

I genuinely hope these underlying messages in the movie are heard and understood…