Piglet : As I'm watching this episode an actor most of us know pops up! But it isn't Shawn Ashmore ...
yellow_rose1 : It was all the media talked about afterwards and Ireland was exposing their priests aroun...
Farmboy41 : Most had no understanding of that act and the ones that did stayed silent for the most par...
random000 : Okie dokie. Thank you Miss Ang.
Alien : Sending you a PM, Soph
Dethkids : Dang really? I missed this one, I'll take your word for it giving it a go...!
teteba : Solid comedy special
teteba : This movie has to stop to be a hidden gem and it should being watched by more people. I di...
yellow_rose1 : wow this looks amazing. Going on my watch list right now. Thanks for the uploads. :)
WeeKnighT : Season 1 actually has 13 episodes, re: IMDB
Its a game guys.. Who cares if they bulk up before they begin or sit around and not hunt. its about being smart enough to work out a game plan that takes all variables and advantages into account.. On the first episode of Survivor, the winner stayed nude most of the time because he knew the camera men wouldnt follow him around for footage. In that alone, naked time ..he managed to find idols and work out his game plan. Its all about winning the money and how they took advantage of the game rules. Most of these fools brag about being Master hunters in the starting episodes ..then we see them crying & starving by the end of the show. ~smh~
I get your point re: game prep/planning but to be accurate, there were no immunity idols the first ep of survivor or even the first few seasons. I think first year winner Hatch would’ve enjoyed the camera time. Don’t recall that he found idols off camera in later seasons, nude or not.
Re; whinging and crying, I give these folks a break - lt can’t be easy to thrive so long in the Arctic. Some are starving, the body breakdown real. Just b/c you agree to do something hard doesn’t mean there’s no emotional components to daily wins and loses. I’d be fine with viewing a little less of it though.