Alone (2015)
Sir Barrington 1 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So you’re saying you think they should be relying only on stuff they find and create on location rather than fancy equipment that they bring? I see your point, but I also think using the tools they have as effectively as they can is interesting to see. Most of the contestants in season 1/2 relied on fishing with hooks or gill nets anyways. I think hunting takes more skill than fishing. I would rather see people out looking for ways to hunt than sitting around in their hut waiting to starve.

The less interesting trend imo is seeing people bulking up before the contest just so they can starve themselves longer. Sam from last season won without catching a single fish or hunting anything (besides mice).

OliverPRIME 2 points 3 years ago.

Its a game guys.. Who cares if they bulk up before they begin or sit around and not hunt. its about being smart enough to work out a game plan that takes all variables and advantages into account.. On the first episode of Survivor, the winner stayed nude most of the time because he knew the camera men wouldnt follow him around for footage. In that alone, naked time ..he managed to find idols and work out his game plan. Its all about winning the money and how they took advantage of the game rules. Most of these fools brag about being Master hunters in the starting episodes ..then we see them crying & starving by the end of the show. ~smh~