michaelmyers : f it i am in !!'''''''''''' going to watch it ''lol
Ozymandias75 : several years ago there was a tv series called, "once upon a time" in that series snow whi...
yonkk : Good action actors but against the dark CG, all looks a blur. Never forget the power of ...
whelmed : (ノ;o;)ノ ┫・┻┻ "*DEI* ruined this movie" "*Woke* ruined this movie" ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒) ┻┻ C...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
hellsingfan01 : Simple because that would actually require Disney to do something new and creative and why...
Ismet : Yea~~~ im gonna pass. I have so much fun reading the comments in here and on the tube rath...
Rix : At last. After trying since 10:30 pm 3am this WAS CUTE SHORT.
random000 : He's also in this fun version of The Three Musketeers: https://www.primewire.tf/movie/7111...
ok watched ep 1 and all i have t say is hmmmmmm —this could be good if it gets the same treatment as legion, otherwise it looks setup to be bla. don’t get me wrong i think it will be good like wandavision but not great like legion.
Legion was fantastic. Hand down my favorite Marvel adaptation. Watched the entire series twice. I do hope this as good. But unless they create a rockin soundtrack and go full cerebral and cant help but agree with you