leatard : So all this soft porn is just lurking on the ABC network for kids to see @ 9pm? Yeah they ...
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. She definitely has her own style & she is super confident in her body but I'm sorry, there...
cybertech00 : 3 episodes in and its not bad but it aint og suits
magically_delicious : Wow, a DJ? Nice! Thinner was a Bachman (pseudonym). I have the first edition of all tho...
Luvlinguae : I’ve watched all (so far) 3 seasons and let me spare the newcomers some time and pain: thi...
snazzydetritus : Excellent recommendation, r! Another reason we are kindred spirits - I have been trying to...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
maxx.black2 : Combining both history and natural history (and not overly narrated), I found this to be v...
ziggycat2008 : They all were good to me but this was the best.
random000 : Raymond Briggs is truly an underrated master with a very gentle & articulate style. Thank ...
I really enjoyed this film. Its not your typical Sci-Fi movie and not at all what I was expecting. It tells a good story, and the acting is well done. As a whole the production is better than average. There are what some may consider to be slow scenes throughout the film that may seem to make the film drag on or become almost stagnant, but they serve to allow the viewer the opportunity to absorb and ponder the circumstances and situation of the crew. This film is definitely worth the time to view.