leatard : So all this soft porn is just lurking on the ABC network for kids to see @ 9pm? Yeah they ...
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. She definitely has her own style & she is super confident in her body but I'm sorry, there...
cybertech00 : 3 episodes in and its not bad but it aint og suits
magically_delicious : Wow, a DJ? Nice! Thinner was a Bachman (pseudonym). I have the first edition of all tho...
Luvlinguae : I’ve watched all (so far) 3 seasons and let me spare the newcomers some time and pain: thi...
snazzydetritus : Excellent recommendation, r! Another reason we are kindred spirits - I have been trying to...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
maxx.black2 : Combining both history and natural history (and not overly narrated), I found this to be v...
ziggycat2008 : They all were good to me but this was the best.
random000 : Raymond Briggs is truly an underrated master with a very gentle & articulate style. Thank ...
Reminds me of the 1980 film Death Ship. Decent update.