Zooke : This documentary is 100% prosecution sided and makes no excuses for that. Do I think OJ di...
Dethkids : Contains spoilers. Click to show. (besides when they said worst yolo episode ever)
Dethkids : Really was the worst yolo episode ever lol (but not really lol more like nlaa)
Drizzt : This would mix well with Agatha All Along :) That would be fu*ked up :)
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Ash from Supernatural!
kkarlz : Aren't you taking this too seriously? we're here to have fun, to watch movies, series and ...
Geogenesis : I've never even heard of this one. Looks interesting. Saving for later.
greenguy86 : It's a good one, not a typical Sandler movie.
prism : Thank you, haven't watched it yet but downloaded to see later :)
mikebcarguy : "Low entropy, self replicating phenomenon that generates a binding force called compassion...
Well, as another poster said, this is certainly “different”. The whole choice of colour scheme is bewildering and over-saturated. Much like the music. Holy hell, I had hoped it would be toned down after the pilot, but nope. This is not boding well for my continued watching.
Costuming and music should enhance not overwhelm or distract from the story. The fact that I am here commenting on them more than the plot speaks for itself.
I think they are pushing too hard to create an atmospheric mood through the scenery inorder to distract from their inability to do so through story and plot and the shortcomings of the dialog. The heavy handedness of it is quite off-putting. It’s like I’m watching a Hitchcock/Lynch/Kubrick wannabe turned up to 11.
I am going to let the 1st two episodes digest a bit before consuming any more. Perhaps some time and distance will bring a different, more favorable perspective.
I may or may not watch episode 2. When GOT was so popular, I watched the 1st epi and couldn’t understand why everyone was so hooked on it. I decided to give it another go about 3 years later and really got into it. I have a feeling this might be the way I go with Ratched. Maybe I’m not really ready to spend a lot of time watching Sarah Paulson portray a complex crazy character and she seems to shine when portraying complex women who drift over the edge. It’s rather draining to watch the crazy do despicable things, I see enough crazy going on right now in the year 2020.