Mulan (2020)
yonkk 11 points 4 years ago.

Mulan does not look like a Disney remake, but a Chinese remake.

greyfur 2 points 4 years ago.

I think it’s a bit of both. Was reading something a bit ago about this, it’s a Disney movie, basically, as far as $ wise, guess they pretty much paid for it, and or have the rights to the story, but was filmed in China, and the actors are Chinese, and the lead is a Chinese actress, or so I understand from what I read.

Seems to be a lot of consternation concerning this as well as a boycott going on, as the lead came out in support of the Hong Kong police beating on protesters. Don’t think she worded it just like that, but she did get the attention of a lot of people, and groups, who were not real happy with it.