Color Out of Space (2020)
magically_delicious 0 points 5 years ago.

“Color Out of Space” is produced by Spectrevision (Elijah Wood is Creative Director), who also produced the visceral “Mandy” with Nic Cage. It is a high-end, Lovecraftian-based film which feels like a cross-between “Annihilation” and “The Thing”. It is loosely based on the short story by the same name by H.P. Lovecraft. The changes to the movie are extremely well done and fitting of a Lovecraft themed film. The cast is remarkably cohesive in their overall hysteria and strangeness which makes the acting top-notch. Cage is as weird in this one as he was in “Mandy”. It is NOT a film for those who do not like the in your face, disturbing visuals that Lovecraft is known for. Highly recommended for Lovecraft aficionados.