Call Me by Your Name (2017)
watch623 -1 points 5 years ago.

Just a couple comments about the review left by viewer “cloroxbleach”. I can see why you missed several things about this fill.

This movie was adapted by a book of the same name. In the book, there is a lot more back story and many things are explained in much more detail. Actually, even several of the scenes in the movie that were drawn directly from the book still cut out some of the book material or the movie would have been 10 hours long. As it is, the original cut of this movie was 3 1/2 hours long! It was cut to 2 hrs. 10 min. But that means no matter how you look at it there will be scenes in the movie that aren’t as full as they could be. And, there were still another 50 pages from the book that were never even filmed. As I wrote, if this had been every word and scene in the book the movie would have been 10 hours long.

Another MAJOR consideration is language. In the movie adaptation, to fill in some of what might were key moments, the writer/director again had to cut the length of what was in the book. However, he wanted to get many key points across that were in scenes in the book so in the movie he just pulled the main point of a scene in the book by taking just the main dialogue and to make it stand out in the movie (so that it would be sure to be noticed), had the characters involved speak the key sentences or phrases in another language.

Many key points in this movie were spoken in either Italian, French or German. The DVD/Blueray version of the movie contains subtitles in a variety of languages. So the only way the film can make complete sense is either if you speak English, Italian, French and German (which is what this rip of the movie shows) or if you view the non-ripped cut that contains the subtitles, like English, in your primary language. When you read the translations in the subtitles it fills in many of the blanks that you won’t even realize you’ve missed and things like the age difference (and by the way, Oliver is a grad student; it’s not like he’s in his 30s or 40s) are explained in much more detail…and don’t seem “creepy/inappropriate” at all.

Finally, as to the movie being “dull”. Again, it says you probably don’t speak the other languages in the movie so you missed some very important (and explanatory) dialogue.

The joys of a website like this is that you get to see movies for free that you might not otherwise see. The downside is that when you get a movie like this that really requires subtitles to fill in blanks in the viewer’s native language you just have to take what is presented and just say thanks for the post. Hope this explains a little about your problem with the movie without having given away any spoilers.