expresso : Super interested in seeing this, only heard about the tombs for the first time when they s...
expresso : This show is so real it hurts like life, yowza.
Dahwoodsman : I’d love to check this show out! Does anyone have links? Thanks
Skullion : So true!
Skullion : Awwww.... Gutted this has finished. Always makes me giggle... When will I next be able to ...
kronickurves : My then 70yo devout Irish Catholic Nana, went and saw TSAM at the movies when it opened ba...
AdChris : some are just too short
Alien : Woohoo! Renewed for season 2
theghettophilosopher : The one i was looking most forward to was the shortest.
Either Cara wins this season or they are trying to push her to be the new face of the Challenge seems like these episodes are mostly about her lately. Or is it just me?
Felt like Johnny was the star of the last two. I came back to my senses last episode and hate Laurel again lol. Will be watching this episode later today!