Elevation (2024)
Batteryhead 1 points 4 months ago.

Oxygen is fuel. If there’s any flame or spark, oxygen tanks can explode. Even without an ignition source, a compromised tank releasing all of its pressure instantly is a pretty big boom. Here’s a single small tank being ignited on purpose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqbWc5bzoiE&ab_channel=CottonBalls

fl4g0ndry 3 points 4 months ago.

FYI O2 is NOT fuel it is an oxyidizer. A fire needs oxygen to burn, the more O2 the hotter and faster it burns. If O2 tanks are in a burning structure, the gas will expand rapidly and the tank will explode. If you have an oxygen tank and open the valve and place a burning match to the gas, all it would do is blow the match out. Once again oxygen is NOT a fuel.