Piglet : Russell Crowe will play the spy Adolf Tolkachev, who is set on a highly dangerous mission ...
magically_delicious : Awesome mini-doc! Thanks so much!
magically_delicious : I love Amanda. This first episode really dragged, to me. Hopefully later episodes will h...
gldmediatv : No probs :)
Dis : Thank you gldmedia!!
Boiler : thank you for posting this link in chat. I enjoyed this. \m/ wish i could make another tw...
BoochJohnson : OMG! Something very bad happens in this movie.
Alien : Who can resist watching kittens? Not I.
Fugitive : Veerry true.... It was a silly movie interesting though
Peevee : Cannot. Wait.
Just noticed this is on here. For anyone that is curious, this is (for now) free to watch on viki, I watched it right after the netflix one.
This is miles better. I won’t go into details, because this isn’t the right place for it, but I wanted to drop the netflix version a lot. The simp character especially was annoying af and D&D just suck the life out of any adaption they do, just like they did with Game Of Thrones. Problem is, this is also much more in line with what you typically see in asian (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) dramas, which most western folks will be unfamiliar with. It’s cheaper produced (and looks like it) and it has tons of other issues you see in pretty much all asian dramas. Once you come to terms with that though it’s honestly amazing. 10/10 for me personally (yes, seriously), but objectively this ist at least like 8/10, while netflix was (generously) a 4/10, at best.
thx for this solid review