High Potential (2024)
fcginmexico 0 points 5 months ago.

I do like this series and just enjoy it for what it is. A cop show with a (nice) twist. Yes, there is not much new, but what can you do in the 2020s?? A cop with a dog as partner…done. a cop with a rookie as partner… done… a cop with mentalist capacities..done..a cop with photographic memory…done.. a cop with an ex-wife as a partner…done… a cop with no partner and a raincoat.. done….a cop without a badge.. done….

does not leave a lot of things you can invent anymore and that means you probably need to try and do something again, but better…. is this one better then “the mentalist” or “unforgettable” (just two similar shows that come to mind).. probably not so far, but it can still grow and either way its “just a nice watch” which is more then can be said about 90% of tv programming nowadays.