Afraid (2024)
prism 3 points 4 months ago.

I haven’t watched this yet but I agree that tech is getting too far advanced for us to be able to deal with the repercussions. I watched this Youtube video yesterday and don’t mind saying it makes me very uncomfortable…..

THEDEVIANTONE 3 points 4 months ago.

we all know the saying man kind is his worst own enemy…and yest with all the movies and other things witch tells us we are heading towards disaster, do you think these fools listen ….NOOOOOO, wanna know why cos they have there disaster safe places in order already andf for the rest of the population its carry on as usual cos we dont give a flying f..k about you lot as long as you keep paying your taxes so we can eat salmon while you lot eat sardines, and what makes me laugh is the sheep listen to them, the one thing these fools are scared of and i was hoping mankind would wake up to it is the people them selves if everyone down tools and said enough is enough they lose all there power but hey who am i to point this out to everyone