Afraid (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 3 points 4 months ago*.

this movie is a look into the lovely future.. we already have cars at a flick of a switch can be remotely controlled, we also have androids half human n half machine, they started with the machines which are taking over the work industry, we also have mobiles which can do most things like read all your data know what your doing ect ect ect…and yes you guessed it humans will never learn the movie makers are just letting us know what is in store for the new generation of idiots who think technology is the boom, well heads up its not its a quaick way to self destruction…..people laughed at terminator when it 1st came out nearly 40 yrs ago and what does man kind do they start to build androids and try to tell you there safe…but who am i to point this out anyone who thinks im wrong well thats just the problem all part of the brainwashing thats been going on for yrs, soldiers brainwashed, school kids being brain washed and so …. the future is not bright its dark very dark

prism 3 points 4 months ago.

I haven’t watched this yet but I agree that tech is getting too far advanced for us to be able to deal with the repercussions. I watched this Youtube video yesterday and don’t mind saying it makes me very uncomfortable…..