jlock6755 : why is most of the comments removed by moderators? Just asking
Tiger8me : Comment to the title of the show...Yea, but God has the Jokers...lol.
grasshopper rex : I'm always amused when people bandy about the C word with no understanding of what it is.
greenguy86 : How do you predict the future? You look to the past. It will be like the first season, all...
Julianna : This show is one of a kind and will be missed! I had some tears in my eyes after watching ...
Alien : Great episode!
grasshopper rex : I'm always amused when people bandy about the C word with no understanding of what it is.
grape nehi : maybe this episode was written during the writers strike because this was worse episode ye...
It’s goofy and fun but also about death and family, especially dad and son. thought it was gonna be less emotional than it was. Loved it! <3