Alien: Romulus (2024)
breakmebad -1 points 3 months ago*.

W…T…F… did I just watch?? It’s been a hot minute since I’ve genuinely despised a film, but OMFG this movie is an absolute abomination from start to finish. It’s single redeeming quality is that it may finally (hopefully) kill the franchise for good. Seriously, ‘Alien Vs Predator’ is a better film than this, and that movie is hot garbage.

The downright unlikable (and unbelievably idiotic) “characters” in this movie have about as much depth as a puddle of piss (I legit wanted all of them to die). The “plot” is so boring that I actually struggled to stay awake. The only “scares” come from the soundtrack completely blasting your ears out to make you jump. And the references to the original movies are just straight up cringe.

If you value your time, DO NOT waste it on this trash heap. The trailers and the marketing all lied to you. If I had paid good money to watch this in a theater, I’d be demanding a refund. I’m only giving it 1/5 stars because I’m unable to rate it 0/5. Absolutely pathetic.