Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E18
dampyiel2200 3 points 1 month ago.

This isn’t meant to make anyone angry or start a fight. I’m genuinely confused about the US stance. And anyone with knowledge on this subject or even thier own thoughts on the matter let me know. Even in messages. If need be. I just don’t get it. And the news and other random places never really give a reason just talking points. Or random bs.

starphlo 1 points 1 month ago.

Many here in the U.S. don’t get it either. From what I know, there are three reasons.

  1. AIPAC has bought out congress. Any congressman who speaks against them risks their job.
  2. Positioning in the area for military reasons.
  3. Many Christians think that Jesus is coming back so they have to prepare Israel for his arrival. They believe that Israel is God’s people and they have to side with God.

Biden fell out of favor with many here due to his support.
Also, Noam Chomsky talks about why the U.S supports Israel in some videos on Youtube. This has also been discussed in the Chomsky subreddit.