Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E18
dampyiel2200 4 points 1 month ago.

I honestly don’t understand why congress and the senate are so steadfast with Isreal. It has to be more than just campaign contributions doesnt it? I only know surface level stuff about this. But it seems pretty simple. Don’t kill civilians. Almost the entire world agrees with this besides the US. I just can’t wrap my head around why.

dampyiel2200 3 points 1 month ago.

This isn’t meant to make anyone angry or start a fight. I’m genuinely confused about the US stance. And anyone with knowledge on this subject or even thier own thoughts on the matter let me know. Even in messages. If need be. I just don’t get it. And the news and other random places never really give a reason just talking points. Or random bs.