Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 24 days ago.

We saw this long ago, and even then it seemed implausible based solely on the notion that the tech the public knows about is all the tech that exists. With just that tech, then perhaps a moon of Jupiter or Saturn.

greyfur 2 points 23 days ago.

Yeah, O.K., but lets assume for a second that we were to do that, we would need a lot of warning, say, to try and go to Io, and then we would have to construct the ships, several, as we would need to take a lot of people as well as cargo, as we would need to set up a permanent base, with no re supply.

And this would of course have to be done all on the Q.T. or people would be going batshyte cray-cray swamping the place either trying to get in on it or trying to destroy any chance of it getting off the ground just so no one else could go.

And that kind of thing would be pretty damn hard to keep under wraps. And with current tech, those kinds of ships would be pretty big, and would take a long darn time to get to their destination. Thinking food, air and fuel would be the 3 biggest problems, just for getting there. After that, there would be a heck of a lot more to consider.