Fight Inc: Inside the UFC (2024)
dampyiel2200 2 points 24 days ago.

I like the ufc a lot but I think the rules are in place for a reason. I can’t watch people getting seriously hurt. Like that guy who got his leg snapped when doing a low kick. But to each thier own lol. I don’t want to see anyone die in the ring for a few thousand dollars.

Odie 1 points 24 days ago*.

These rules have been on the go long before ufc, and they’ve been proven safer, getting knocked out to a knee on the ground is the same as getting KOd with a knee standing. Just because it looks harsh doesn’t mean its any worse for wear. Its combat sports. it can only be safe as it can get. People die in boxing almost monthly from repeated head trauma. If you care about safety you wouldn’t be backing ufc or Dana. as i said look at power slap for example UFC used its positioning and its money to make nevada legalize it. which is the worse thing anyone can do to ones body. Ive seen more people die in live slap fightings like worlds strongest man Artur “the walrus” Walzak, boxing and regional mma.Aa young kid is in vegetative state from just sparing kickboxing. it sucks but it happens. I watch underground fights that allow anything like King of the streets to professionally promoted orgz like WOTORE, RIZIN, PRIDE etc. and I’ve never seen anyone die from a soccer kick. but i have from letting someone get hit repeated while grounded when a simple kick or knee would end the fight and not prolong the trauma.