The Watchers (2024)
mjjones1986 2 points 3 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A much better yet lesser known horror film on this subject: The Hallow
It goes way more into the lore of these ancient creatures(The Fay/Fairy)
Where this movie only barely gives you a glimpse into how horrific these things can be, by the time of the reveal of what these creatures are and their true motives, as with most M.Knight flicks, the movie is over and we are only given a tease of the cool yet creepy changelings.

5/10-Like most M Knight movies, its all build up with barely any real meat.
You spend an hour 15 with teasing and get 15 minutes of substance while the audience is finally aware of what is going on. Lazy writing to meā€¦Skip it and watch The Hallow if u want a real horror flick on the Faye