VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
random000 3 points 3 months ago*.

A parasite is a parasite. It doesn’t matter how they meet their end. If the parasite kills himself - great. If someone else executes the parasite to silence him, or carry out a vendetta - great. The parasite is gone. Super. A network who reports the possibility of a different death & has enough material to publish this thesis is not protecting anyone. They’re publishing a thesis they believe to be viable.

Anyone who has a stake in just one singular narrative that they insist upon has revealed a false ideology they care more about forwarding rather than children. To this type of viewer, victimization of children is incidental in forwarding their agenda - and this makes them equally culpable in victimizing children, and there is no amount of discussion they could ever produce that will ever remove that stain they put upon themselves.

A parasite is dead. That’s cause to celebrate. Method of death makes no matter.

mjjones1986 1 points 3 months ago.

Yes I wanted that scumbag parasite to die a slow painful death, it is the names of his accomplices and others like him that we wanted to weed out before he died. That is what ppl are upset about and rightfully so.
We never had a pig at that social, wealth and politcal level in our grasp before and now it’s all for not cuz of 2 sleepy jail guards?