Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024) S1 E1
random000 6 points 20 days ago*.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Nazi’s wiped out more than 95% of my family. After they got away with that atrocity, those that didn’t successfully flee to Argentina were officially smuggled to both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. Lest we forget it could happen again. We are dangerously close on our planet to this atrocity again. This is why this passage of history must be repeatedly told. The camps must remain standing. History must not ever be repeated. It may or may not be Jews next time. Ask the Kurds. Ask the Armenians. Ask the Roma. Ask the Irish. Ask the Scots why their culture, their language, their colors, their history was so hated & threatening that death was invited upon them. Ask all 6000+ different Aboriginal American Nations what the consequences are when society is convinced by vicious political cults that genocide is the answer. And yes, everybody. Palestinians. Chinese. Polynesians. Amazonians. Everybody. But thanks once again for deliberately avoiding any direct contact as if to imply something adversarial and to make clear that my voice & my testimony are invaluable & unworthy of acknowledgement - which I can take as hateful antisemitic prejudice. A denier made a post, a short one, that is an attack on reality, So the point of the response to that denial of reality is this:

Nazism happened. It is innately evil without any value at all, but it is an extension of atrocities that have been carried out by the cult of politics in various forms in a struggle for the political class to assert itself over everyone else. The political class has demonstrated that it is a genocidal cult whether it manifests in germany against the Jewish population, or in The U.S. against anyone not white, or in Australia & Canada, or the many oceanic islands, or The British Isles. Everywhere. It is undeniable that the cult of politics time & again serves no one but itself and frequently genocide is a tool employed to eliminate those who stand against the political cult. This is stated very clearly. That I have to expand an already lengthy post to a longer one to qualify what was previously written isn’t good.

This has happened to so many people all over our planet, but many of these genocides are swept under the rug as if they are somehow less important. They are not. Each instance is an atrocity, whether it was committed by Hitler, Andrew Jackson, chemical Ali, Israel, or anyone else. It is a stain upon humanity. and anyone who denies these atrocities is complicit in them. Satisfied? Squeeze that out of the Holocaust denier OP. With a few words, they stirred a vile brew yet never apologized or retracted their original statement. It stands, untouched as a testament of malignant anti-human hate.