Dark Matter (2024)
kerfy 3 points 10 months ago.

well done.. not a new concept, sure hope they get to tell a complete strory before it gets axed.. I watched the first episode, will watch the second, then i will wait till the last episode is out.. I hate investing time into a show that is good but never gets to finish the story, or is just a series of cliffhangers with no ending.. First episode is pretty good..

random000 5 points 10 months ago*.

It has a strong start. In addition to the writing & production, it’s well-cast. Edgerton is what Spacey could’ve been. He’s stepping into the territory of Tatiana Maslany of original Orphan Black, but he seems up to the task. They all are. Connelly is extremely tough & versatile, and Alice Braga is as good as her aunt, Sonia Braga.