Dark Matter (2024)
kerfy 1 points 10 months ago.

Yeah, looks like a slow telling of a story with cliff hanger endings..i will wait for the season to be done before I watch any more.. feels like a long drawn out episode of the twilight zone.. kinda dissapointed already ..

greyfur 1 points 10 months ago.

i liked the first one. Will watch the second one, that usually tells me a lot. Then I will follow your suggestion and wait for the rest of the season to come out and see what they did with it, and if they are going to re-up, complete it in one shot, or leave us all hanging and not renew. If they do that last, I probably won’t bother with it anymore. Tired of them doing that with me, you get all that time invested in a show for nothing. But a complete story is another thing, or knowing it will be renewed is also good.