simones : very funny and very cool
michaelmyers : f it i am in !!'''''''''''' going to watch it ''lol
Ozymandias75 : several years ago there was a tv series called, "once upon a time" in that series snow whi...
yonkk : Good action actors but against the dark CG, all looks a blur. Never forget the power of ...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
hellsingfan01 : Simple because that would actually require Disney to do something new and creative and why...
Ismet : Yea~~~ im gonna pass. I have so much fun reading the comments in here and on the tube rath...
random000 : He's also in this fun version of The Three Musketeers:
Rix : At last. After trying since 10:30 pm 3am this WAS CUTE SHORT.
I knew about this story but not the whole story. The pictures were new to me, they were sickening at the very least. i thought the man upstairs died so we wouldn’t suffer but i wouldn’t know the furthest i got with reading the bible was the cover. i don’t care who or what you believe as long as they preach, leave this place better than you found it. And don’t expect CPS, jail or the government to fix it because that would mean they wouldn’t have a job. There’s evidence beyond a shadow of doubt so i say give them nigh night juice, we do worse to animals for less.